Confirmed: Crysis’ Engine Heading To PS3/360

Confirmed: Crysis’ Engine Heading To PS3/360

So the rumors have been confirmed. While Crysis itself hasn’t been confirmed to head to consoles, the engine behind the beast has. At this years Game Developers Conference there will be a closed presentation with CryEngine 2 running on the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

It’s unclear what games will be using this engine on the consoles, but it will definitely shed the stereotype of Crysis not being possible on consoles.

Here’s the full article:

Back in April of 2006, rumors surfaced that Crytek was bringing its much-anticipated PC gunman Crysis to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. More newly, there was conjecture that an extended “Crysis 1. 5″ would be coming solely to the PS3. Although the aforementioned rumors stay unconfirmed, today the German developer announced that console versions of CryEngine 2, the engineering behind Crysis’ processor-punishing visuals, are in growth.

The console editions of the middleware will be unveiled at personal appointments behind closed doors at the upcoming Game Developers Conference, which runs from February 18-22 in San Francisco. “This year’s locomotive will be shown for the best moment running on dual hardware platforms such as the PS3 and Xbox 360 to a select audience,” the party said in an assertion.

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